District 2 Greater East Side Community Council 


Weather Cancellation Guidelines  

The GESCC will use the following guidelines to determine whether to cancel or modify events due to weather conditions.  This document will allow us to determine whether or not to cancel an event. We will closely monitor weather conditions and facility accessibility. Events may be canceled by the Event Coordinator, based on weather and backup facilities. Ultimately, participants are responsible for deciding whether to attend an event based on weather. 

All cancellations and venue changes will be posted on the GESCC Facebook page, GESCC website and there will be signage at the event site. 


Outdoor events will continue as scheduled during rain. Events may be canceled or moved indoors based on these conditions: 

  1.  Presence of lightning or thunder 

  1. Standing water in the area of proposed event 



Events must be suspended and possible moved indoors at the first sign of lightning or thunder. Events will NOT resume outside until at least 30 minutes after the last lightning flash or sound of thunder. 



Outdoor activities maybe moved or modified dur to hot temperatures. The following guidelines will be used to modify events based on the heat index: 

  1. Heat index of 90 to 98 degrees: extra precautions, such as having water available for attendees and modifying activities to reduce heat stress 

  1. Heat index of 99 to 103 degrees: similar precautions as above, with a strong possibility of the event being moved indoor; this is determined by the Event Coordinator 

  1. Heat index of above 103: event WILL be moved indoors or will be canceled dependent on site. 



The GESCC will monitor the Air Quality Index to assess potential impacts on the event. Events may be canceled or moved indoors based on dangerous air quality levels. These levels are determined by the U.S. Air Now Government website.  The air website to look up the air quality in our area for the day of the event is airnow.gov.  If the air index for the day is in the RED level of concern in our area according to the air now website which is a value of 151-200.   


Cancellation of events will depend on weather conditions and access to indoor facilities. Participants should dress appropriately based on cold temperatures. This includes hats, mittens, face covers, boots, warm coats and scarves. 

The following wind chill guidelines will be used: 

  1. Wind chill of 15 to 30 degrees (or above): event will happen outdoors; attendees dress appropriately; warming facilities maybe available 

  1. Wind chill of 0 to 14 degrees: similar guidelines as above with warming spaces available; program maybe moved indoors based on the Event Coordinator’s decision 

  1. Wind chill below 0: event WILL be moved indoors or possibly cancelled if no indoor facility is available 

Your safety and enjoyment are our priority! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.